Tuesday, July 29, 2008

At some point I am going to start tackling Important Issues on this blog. Discussing Things That Matter and the like. But not yet, it is too soon. If I start getting all heavy with my safe, sheltered internet opinions people will think I'm just another crazy, and, by God, there are enough of those already.

No, I want to talk a bit about teaching English, mainly to let off some steam, but also because I know plenty of people will be tempted to come out here and do it. I am a firm believer in getting the facts out there, and I would like to throw my hat into that ring. 

So, teaching English here is a bit like bar-work in the UK. Anyone can do it, and although most bars will ask for 'previous experience', they don't really give a shit if you're willing to stand on your feet for eight hours getting shouted at by fat drunk fucks for minimum wage. Yes, that is what English teaching is, except without the drunks. Most schools out here say you need a TEFL qualification - which is basically a cash in for the hundreds of companies world wide that offer them to gap year students. It's pretty pointless, as unless you are throughly retarded you can teach English - especially as most of the time you are reading pre-prepared lesson plans to the class. I'm not sure what they would teach you on the course, since I don't have one, nor do I intend to get one. 

The people I have met teaching are a mixed bag, some of them are good people who are just trying to make a living in China, others are weirdos who haven't got the stomach for a real job. They frighten me a bit. The work is frustrating at times, especially if you lose your cool. It doesn't help anyone to start getting irate and talking to students like they are monkeys. But, hell, everyone has done it as some point. The annoying thing is the management side of it. I hoped that leaving the UK I could get away from things like 'self assessments'. It is one of these new business things where everyone is encouraged to 'understand their weaknesses and work together to formulate manageable solutions'. That kind of language makes me want to buy an automatic weapon and take down as many people as I can before turning the gun on myself. But it seems that even 6,000 miles from home I could not escape it.

Yesterday I had a 'work appraisal', you know the kind of thing - rank yourself from 1 to 10 on your abilities, strengths, weaknesses, all that shit. I am a firm believer that if you have enough time to spend 20 minutes rating yourself then you are not working hard enough. Case in point. But, you know, I want my work permit, and without this job I won't get it, so I am having to jump a few hoops. But hell, what am I going to say? I just marked myself as excellent for everything, I mean, why would I start criticising myself? If I can't read pre-prepared lesson plans to students for 40 hours a week then I'm probably ready for the bone-yard. 

Anyway, on that note, it is time for me to go to work. More on this later. 

Keep the faith


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